Thursday, September 11, 2008



People are flocking pasar ramadhan again. Soon we'll celebrate hari raya again. The same old stuff we've been hearing;

  • "kerajaan menjamin makanan mencukupi untuk hari raya tahun ini". my goodness, i thought going the olympics "untuk memperbaiki masa sendiri" was low, now the government had to tell us we have enough food for hari raya. what you want, a cookie, you low expectation ever nutcase? i don't recall who made that remark but it was some higher-up government officer. or was it a minister? of course we'll have enough food, have you looked at how much tax money our government collected last year? what kind of nonsensical assurance is that?
  • "pengusaha bas ekspres tidak boleh menaikkan tambang bas sewenang-wenangnya, terutamanya di musim perayaan". Yes they could, and yes they DID. and nothing ever happened to them. and yes, they will keep on jacking it up as long as you lazy bums stay in the office. not only fare hikes will be aplenty, bas tambahan will run amok on our roads at 200kph to get that one extra trip. i'm not praying for a disaster but wait for a horrific accident this hari raya season and fingers will point in all directions again. this bus doesn't have a permit, the driver is an ex-con, he had 27,000 warrants on his head but it all will go to one thing - "kerajaan memandang serius hal ini dan akan melakukan penyiasatan. lesen mereka-mereka yang bersalah akan digantung". after 2 weeks everybody is busy with open houses while victims' families are left wondering what if a few people in JPJ/PDRM/KPDN/etc. did their jobs. "dah takdir nak buat macamana?".
  • what is it about takdir that some malay/muslim in thic country blame everything bad on takdir? if you drive a V10 mammoth in the shape of a bus at 140kph on a winding road around merapoh, pahang, thinking you can schumacher your way faster to your destination, you're asking for trouble. if you drive on your side of the road but the incoming car's driver fell asleep and slammed into your car that you fell into a coma for 2 weeks, that's takdir.

stay tuned, more rants coming your way.



At September 12, 2008 at 11:12 AM , Blogger CE Tan said...

Dey VKT Inniki Friday lah! Cheer up lah Poonda Maune!


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